7CCMMS16T -- Algebraic Curves

Lecture notes

Here are the lecture notes. They are mostly taken from the above references. I will be updating these as we go along.

Revision lecture

Revision lecture is on 23 April 2020 Thursday 2-4 pm via online video conference. Hopefully, you received an email about this from me. If you haven't, please contact me by e-mail as soon as possible.


Homework will appear here.

Past Exams

Please don't worry too much about the exam. Focus on learning the material and you will be fine. I have included hand-written solutions to Exam 2019 to give you an idea of how to organize your solutions.

Computer Experiments

Here I plan to record various code snippets. I encourage you to experiment with these in order to get a feel for the material of the course.
This is strictly experimental and non-examinable material. I plan to use SageMath (a free open-source mathematics software licensed under GPL).
You can either install it on your computer or if you just want to check out how it works, you can use the sagecell given in the bottom of this page.
Feel free to submit code that would go here by e-mail. I'll post it here with an acknowledgment.
